Project Terminated [9780859791731]
Date Added: Tuesday 04. February, 2014
Some 20 years ago, a “real” aviation expert was a rare commodity. They were few and far between. They worked their "contacts," they had the resources, and they busted their butts to know everything about modern technology, its development, and "what was behind the curtain of secrecy." Erik Simonsen was one of those journalists and photographers with the inside track!
Today, self-proclaimed military aviation experts are a dime-a-dozen. Many are just retired “high-rankers” that simply have access to the Internet. Most have never been with, experienced, touched or chased a modern fighter, a space shuttle, a spy plane or anything that the military uses today or even thought about using over the last 30 years.
Erik Simonsen has lived the dream, and his expertise for the past 30 years in the aviation and space technology industry, qualifies him as a true "aviation expert.”
His latest book, PROJECT TERMINATED.... Famous Military Aircraft Cancellations of the Cold War and What Might Have Been..... reflects years of industry work, contacts, and aviation expertise. Simonsen’s book is anything but a boring text book of facts and figures. Instead, it’s a well-written chronicle about air and space projects that could have, should have and might have.... been! Simonsen takes the boring facts and figures about failed aviation projects, and brings them to life with his personal anecdotes, expertise and over a quarter century of knowledge.
The book is extremely well illustrated with over 250 photos and art illustrations provided by the author and his sources.
As everyone looks forward and to radical, new and often secret technologies for the 21st Century, Simonsen's book in many ways, begs many questions....
What if this technology had been carried forward and advanced? Would these technologies have matured and come to fruition?
Simonsen's PROJECT TERMINATED is a thought-provoking look back at some of the military aviation projects that were before their time. Others, were simply a case of, "What were they thinking?"
Andy Lightbody
Founding/Former Editor, International Combat Arms Magazine
Former Field Editor, Armed Forces Journal
Former Editorial Director, International Combat Images
Former Military Analyst/Correspondent, CBS Radio
Today, self-proclaimed military aviation experts are a dime-a-dozen. Many are just retired “high-rankers” that simply have access to the Internet. Most have never been with, experienced, touched or chased a modern fighter, a space shuttle, a spy plane or anything that the military uses today or even thought about using over the last 30 years.
Erik Simonsen has lived the dream, and his expertise for the past 30 years in the aviation and space technology industry, qualifies him as a true "aviation expert.”
His latest book, PROJECT TERMINATED.... Famous Military Aircraft Cancellations of the Cold War and What Might Have Been..... reflects years of industry work, contacts, and aviation expertise. Simonsen’s book is anything but a boring text book of facts and figures. Instead, it’s a well-written chronicle about air and space projects that could have, should have and might have.... been! Simonsen takes the boring facts and figures about failed aviation projects, and brings them to life with his personal anecdotes, expertise and over a quarter century of knowledge.
The book is extremely well illustrated with over 250 photos and art illustrations provided by the author and his sources.
As everyone looks forward and to radical, new and often secret technologies for the 21st Century, Simonsen's book in many ways, begs many questions....
What if this technology had been carried forward and advanced? Would these technologies have matured and come to fruition?
Simonsen's PROJECT TERMINATED is a thought-provoking look back at some of the military aviation projects that were before their time. Others, were simply a case of, "What were they thinking?"
Andy Lightbody
Founding/Former Editor, International Combat Arms Magazine
Former Field Editor, Armed Forces Journal
Former Editorial Director, International Combat Images
Former Military Analyst/Correspondent, CBS Radio
[5 of 5 Stars!]