Wrecks & Relics 23rd Edition  [9780859791724]

Wrecks & Relics <i> 23rd Edition
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Date Added: Wednesday 15. August, 2012
It’s that time of year again when Crecy publishers an update on this monumental work. A large number of air enthusaists are well aware of this series, but if you are not, then you need to know about it.

Most people are acquainted with the famous museums that are scattered around the UK, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of aircraft, or bits of aircraft to be found, some in the most unlikely places.

If you peruse the pages of this book you will come to realise that it would seem an impossible task to record all of them, let alone update the locations. The reason for this is that many of these artefacts are continually on the move. Most are privately owned and in some cases are on loan to the various museums.

This means that the author must get an update from all these organisations and in some cases individuals, to check on the whereabouts of the items. To give you an idea, the entry for Braintree states that a Tiger Cub last noted in local storage in 2003, has moved on and at the local airstrip a Cherokee is stored. And at Great Dunmow there Paul and Andy Wood own a Hunter Mk 5.

The location is listed by county making it easy to find something near where you are. And, to help you further, the index lists all the aircraft by type, plus all the locations that have aviation material.
I recommend that this unique book be in your glove compartment when you are out and about you never know what you might find.

Ernie Lee – Model Aircraft, August 2012
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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